Interview with Dr. Scott Hamilton about his work for the TRC on residential school cemeteries
In late May, news broke about a burial area containing the graves of numerous children who died while attending the former Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. Dr. Scott Hamilton, team leader of the Six Seasons Archaeology team, formerly worked for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on the task of identifying residential school cemeteries. In conversation with Six Seasons project manager Dr. Melanie Braith, Hamilton speaks about the research he did for the TRC, and how his findings may be helpful to Indigenous communities now.
Revised Pīsim Finds Her Miskanaw Teacher's Guide Published
The Curriculum Team is happy to announce the revised Teacher's Guide for Pīsim Finds Her Miskanaw is published! The Teacher’s Guide provides groundbreaking historical information about the culture and language of the Rocky Cree people around present-day South Indian Lake, Manitoba. It focuses on midwifery, miskanaw, journey making, and storytelling. The lessons and activities in the guide support the learning outcomes included in Manitoba curriculum documents. The guide emphasizes the origins of First Peoples, their connections to the land, their culture, types of leadership, the value of oral culture, and the forms of interaction before and during early contact with Europeans.
Pīsim Picture Book App Launched at UW
The first picture book app in the Six Seasons of Asiniskaw Ithiniwak series is live! Explore Pisim's journey through full-colour illustrations, songs, interactive games, and cultural notes.
Winnipeg Free Press features NCN Knowledge Keeper Mona Hart and Pisim App
Melissa Martin of the Winnipeg Free Press spoke with NCN Knowledge Keeper, Mona Hart, about the Pisim app and revitalization of Cree language.
Naomi Hamer Discusses Pisim App on CBC Morning Show
Dr. Naomi Hamer from Ryerson University discusses the Pisim app and picture book remediation on the CBC Morning Show.
Six Seasons at Youngsters 2 Conference
The Six Seasons project will be at the Association for Research in Cultures of Young People's Youngsters 2 conference at Ryerson University this week.
Six Seasons at 2019 Ireland International Conference on Education
Six Seasons Curriculum Team Leader Doris Wolf will be co-presenting a workshop, "Education for Reconciliation: Educating Teachers in Integrating Indigenous Land-based Knowledge and Pedagogy into Classrooms," with Paul DePasquale at the 2019 Ireland International Conference on Education.
Restorying the Nation: The Six Seasons of the Asiniskaw Īthiniwak Presentation
On January 18, 2019, Project Director Mavis Reimer will present "Restorying the Nation: The Six Seasons of the Asiniskaw Īthiniwak" at the University of Alberta. -
Job Posting for RA for Six Seasons Production Team
The Production Team invites applications for a Research Assistant to work on the Six Seasons of the Asiniskaw Īthiniwak Project. This research position will help collect material for an acoustic archaeology soundscape for inclusion in the production of the picture book app for the second text in the Six Seasons series.
Six Seasons Presentation at 2018 Meaningful Play Conference
Mavis Reimer will be presenting “Playing for the Future: A Picture Book App for Cultural Reclamation and Reconciliation” on behalf of the Six Seasons project at the 2018 Meaningful Play conference at Michigan State University on Oct. 11. She is part of the Indigenous Games panel, and will be speaking about the game development in the Pīsim Finds Her Miskanow picture book app.